Amish Fail
I don't even want to talk about the Amish Bread. It was a disaster. Something went horribly, horribly wrong, and I was so despondent (and busy learning the mystical ways of the tambourine so I could perform at CMJ and go on tour with my dear friend Neon Hitch) that I couldn't blog for months.
Honestly, the Amish Bread experiment turned into more of a crash course on how to brew your own moonshine rather than how to make your own sweet and delicious cake-like cinnamon-sugar bread to share with your favorite friends.
So I scrapped the entire project and moved onto bigger and better things: namely, another collaboration with Urban Outfitters! I can't divulge details just yet, but keep your eyes on the UO Blog in the upcoming weeks for an exclusive holiday treat from yours truly!
Until we eat again,
in case you missed it...
For you, Mr. Fünke.
how embarrassing.
a few of my favorite things.
curioser and curioser.
Soon her eye fell on a little glass box that was lying under the table: she opened it, and found in it a very small cake, on which the words "EAT ME" were beautifully marked in currants. "Well, I'll eat it," said Alice, "and if it makes me grow larger, I can reach the key; and if it makes me grow smaller, I can creep under the door: so either way I'll get into the garden, and I don't care which happens!"
She ate a little bit, and said anxiously to herself "Which way? Which way?", holding her hand on the top of her head to feel which way it was growing; and she was quite surprised to find that she remained the same size. To be sure, this is what generally happens when one eats cake; but Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.
So she set to work, and very soon finished off the cake.